Our department designed and implemented the complete redesign and overhaul of the entire organization's brand identity, replacing the previous branding which had been in place for decades.
Under the supervision of the Senior Graphic Designer and Vice President, I designed the build-out of our new brand. At the time in 2014, HumRRO had over 100 employees across 4 offices – this was a large-scale effort to ensure the branding was replaced everywhere, everyone received correct business cards, and the website UX/UI was re-designed.
One challenge was winning over a few long-tenured employees who had a personal connection with the previous logo. I would occasionally spot the previous logo floating around the office on pieces they made in Word. I would often initiate friendly personal face-to-face conversations about the goal of our new look. 
It took time, patience and most importantly: listening.
I learning a lot about HumRRO's long history from its time as part of the Army, stories which were ingrained in the organization's history, just like the former logo was to some staff. I think the big win finally came after about a year when the longest-tenured employee told me with a hint of enthusiasm in his voice, "You know what, I think I finally like the new logo."
We completely overhauled the UX/UI for HumRRO's website, bringing it up to standards for responsive design at the time, and cleaning up the navigation to handle the vast amount of publications HumRRO produced. Proposed wireframe designs went through approval, and were then submitted with precise instructions to the Web Development team.

ROW 1: Proposed wireframe options presented for approval.
ROW 2: Final mock-ups with detailed instructions for the Web Development team to complete site build-out.
I updated the entire interface and design of our existing e-newsletter, working with the Web Development team to build it out in MailChimp.
Each month I managed the newsletter, collecting and inserting content, finding or creating appropriate imagery, proofing, and ensuring all links worked. I would send the final test email to my Vice President supervisor, then notify Web Development when it was approved to send.
I applied our new branding to various templates for staff to utilize for their own use. Here is one example which advertised weekly brown bag events to staff on printed handouts throughout the office:

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